Sunday, May 30, 2010

Vegan Sushi!

I love me some sushi! It doesn't have to be covered in diseased fish carcass either to taste good. Just make sushi using your favorite veggies! Pickled veggies are also amazing in sushi but I didn't have any this time around.

You will need a bamboo mat covered in saran wrap to make your sushi and a sharp knife.

Ingredients for Rice:
- 1 & 1/2 Cups Calrose Rice (AKA Sticky Rice)
- 2 Cups Water
- Seasoned Rice Vinegar (A few teaspoons, to taste)
- Salt (Some generous shakes, to taste)

Ingredients for sushi (This time):
- 4 Sheets of Nori
- Avocado
- Baked Flavored Tofu (I used Teryaki flavored from Trader Joe's)
- Cucumber (Seeds scooped out)
- Shredded Carrots
- Red Bell Pepper
- Pickled Ginger (Optional)
- Dipping sauce of choice (Sweet Chili Sauce or Soy Sauce & Wasabi)

- Cook your sushi rice according package directions or use a rice cooker (Like me).
- While sushi is cooking get all your sliced veggies ready (Like the picture above).
- Once your rice is done cooking scoop it out into a nonreactive bowl and let it cool, turining occasionally.
- Once cooled add seasoned rice vinegar and salt and mix well to distribute rice seasonings.
- Place a sheet of nori on your saran wrapped sushi mat.
- Spread out 1/4 of the rice evenly to cover the sushi mat.
- Add veggies, roll sushi, cut into slices, eat. If you need detailed instructions on how to make sushi you can google it or watch a video on youtube.

These rolls used all my listed toppings

These are Vegan California Rolls (Avocado & Cucumber only)


Anonymous said...

This looks so good! I'm going to have to try to make some sushi since I've finally bought some sweet rice :)

amymylove said...

What do you mean that you bought "sweet rice"? Like it already comes prepared that way?